Your Go-To Marketing Nerd
Your Go-To Marketing Nerd (2).png

Email Campaigns, Social Media, Content Writing, & More.

Hi—I’m Jenn!

I get really nerdy about all things Marketing and want to use that passion and skillset to help business owners ramp up, optimize and accelerate their marketing efforts for success.

All too often, I see a new company using an email template that isn’t optimized for mobile, or using one big image to promote their business with no clear call-to-action. For social, I see companies posting images that are not sized platform-to-platform or worse, paying premiums to larger agencies to do half-assed social posts on their behalf (yes, I said it and I’ve seen it!)

It’s these “little” things that can make or break your brand. Don’t let it be the latter.

At JKG Marketing, we specialize in launching, managing, and optimizing successful email marketing programs and in growing social media channels. Let’s just say, it’s my nerdy gift to the world.

So let me help you. Let me be your go-to marketing nerd.

You can message me with questions on LinkedIn or schedule a meeting with me using the button below. ⤵️

I’d be happy to help!